Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse

Wednesday, November 18 is Mickey Mouse Birhday. Mickey Mouse was born on November 18, 1928. Today he is turning 81, claiming the title of the oldest known rodent.

November 18 is Widely Recognized As Mickey Mouse's birthday. It was the day when Steamboat Willie the first Mickey Mouse cartoon was released with synchronized sounds. One, who is Michey Mouse's fan, must not miss celebrating their favorite cartoon's birthday at the Walt Disney Family Museum.

The galleries should be explored and one can find the earliest known drawings Mickey Mouse and many more things. It even has the vintage Mickey Mouse merchandise, the creation of Mickey's friends, an interactive station that demonstrates how a sound is synchronized animation Thurs. A special section has been dedicated to the Mickey Mouse Club.Everyone should go, celebrate, learn about the birth, history and life of the leader of that club.

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